Coming in 2018: OneTeamMVMT Summer Camps

Coming Spring+Summer 2018, top international coaches and mid-level athletes will be invited to participate in our first-ever OneTeamMVMT development camps for synchronized skating.  

Want more information and registration for the:

  • USA camp, June 29-July 1 in Raleigh [North Carolina], OR the
  • CANADA camp, July 13-15 in the Greater Montreal Area  [Quebec]?
Follow the links below:


We asked, and you told us.

You want more opportunities to learn from experts, and hone your skills - as skaters, and as coaches. You want development camps for synchro, where you can learn the skills that will take you to the next level. And you want to learn in an open environment, full of challenge and free of judgment.

We are proud to offer 2 OneTeamMVMT camps this spring+summer! We are looking forward to elevating and celebrating synchronized skating with you.

We can't wait to bring these development opportunities to the synchronized skating world, in hopes that it will make our sport better, stronger, and more united than ever.

We'll see you there!


 Here's a little teaser from the camp we partnered on in 2017; Sun Surf Synchro!



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