The Other 90 : Team Boomerang SWE

As we at OneTeamMVMT scroll through our social media feeds and timelines, we are witnessing hard work, dedication and commitment on a daily basis. Throughout the past couple of months, athletes have dedicated their summer to off-season training, a time in which no competitions are held and the focus is split between tryouts, getting to know new teammates, learning new choreography, attending synchro camps, learning and drilling new skills, and other forms of preparation or the upcoming competitive season.

OneTeamMVMT is excited to highlight various teams from around the world, and shine a light on the hard work that goes into the beautiful performances we get to see at competitions. This week, we will be taking a look at Team Boomerang, a Senior team from Gothenburg, Sweden, who represented Sweden at the World Championships this past April.


Video from Team Boomerang's instagram page (@teamboomerangswe)

Strength & Conditioning for Team Boomerang

We asked athlete of Senior team, Olivia Dalén, to share her team’s off season goals,

”Our main focus during the off-season is to absolutely have fun. We focus on team building, and we make sure our new skaters feel at home. When it comes to the physical portion of our training, we focus on [attaining] our best physical [form], in order to prepare for the fight of the upcoming season. This includes a lot of strength and conditioning.”

Team Boomerang is sponsored by Nordic gym, where they frequently train off the ice, attending Zumba, BodyPump and Yoga classes. For strength and conditioning, the team works with trainer Simon Meander (@prestationsportalen) from Viscus gym facility (@viscusab). Simon began working with the team for the 2017-2018 season. From April until mid-June, their strength training takes place once a week. This increases to four times a week throughout the month of July, when all their ice rinks are closed. In July and August, each athlete is responsible for their own training, and individual work takes a priority during these months. Once the competition season begins, the team works with Simon twice a week.

Coach Simon's Mantra: "Do No Harm"

“My main goal is to develop and educate when I work with athletes. First of all, we need to obtain or maintain a healthy body and good movement quality. When we reach that state we focus on strength, power, endurance and so on, depending on what phase we are in. The main goal for S&C is “do no harm”. We keep it basic and advance to the next level when we are ready. Some reach that level faster or maybe they are already there. Every session there is some variation among the team. Depending on the [fitness] level of each individual, I try to plan so that both novice and high-level athletes [are challenged accordingly]”, said Simon.

Simon emphasized how training and mastering movement basics is important to prevent injury while developing strength, endurance, and power. "Focus on the basics and then increase to specifics," Simon says. “Failing to plan is planning for failure.” In terms of planning, he identified "During the [competitive] season, the focus should be on synchronized skating and not on developing skills in the gym. That should already be done! The pre-season is also the time of the year I treat, rehabilitate, and take care of injuries so they can compete with full focus on their sport.”

Building a Solid Foundation 

During the beginning of the off season the team trains four times a week on ice. Olivia explained that the team places a big focus on technical skills.

“Our foundation is a big part of the off-season. Everything starts with a good foundation. This is also the time of the year where we like to experiment with new fun elements, different body positions and speed. At the end of last year, in our free program we had two pairs doing a rotating pair element where the two skaters who were in the air changed position three times. We call it “ekorren” (translated as “The Squirrel”). Ekorren is one example of what we've invented during this period."


And About Challenges?...

Let’s face it, every team experiences challenges, but our challenges don’t define our season, they define our strength and our commitment to those around us. Trainer Simon shared that some of the team's greatest challenges was their focus when working in the gym. "Each individual has a life outside of skating, but whether you choose to bring the stress or distraction in the gym, alters progress, and [can make it] difficult to work with someone."

Olivia feels that development is a challenge for her team. Synchronized skating continues to develop and grow every season, and it is important that an athlete can commit to change and getting out of their comfort zone. More personally, she was able to share a challenge of her own, that many athletes share during the competition season; nerves. “Although I’ve been skating since I was 5, my nerves never seem to go away”, she said. 

We're curious to know, how do you handle your competition jitters? Does mental training & preparation make up part of your #TheOther90? What are some things you do to perform your best, when it matters most? Stay tuned for our next article, which will share more expert tips!


Article by: Nicole Buddie

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